Source code for polevault.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Helper functions to deal with configuration files

from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals

from collections import OrderedDict

    import configparser
except ImportError:
    import ConfigParser as configparser

import time
import json
import os

[docs]def load_config_ini(full_path, default=True): """ Load configuration file with the option of ignoring the DEFAULT section. Parameters ---------- full_path : str File path to the configuration file. default : bool, optional Whether to allow the python ConfigParser to expand the contents of the DEFAULT section into the other sections. (the default is True, which expands copies all the attributes inside the DEFAULT section into the other sections inside which they don't exist already.) Returns ------- config : collections.OrderedDict The configuration dictionary resulting from parsing the configuration file. It is a collections.OrderedDict dictionary so that the order of the sections and attributes is preserved in the resulting dictionary. """ if default: default_section = 'DEFAULT' else: default_section = 'DEFAULT' + os.urandom(16).hex() config_ini = configparser.ConfigParser(dict_type=OrderedDict, default_section=default_section, interpolation=None) config = OrderedDict() for section in config_ini.sections(): config[section] = OrderedDict() for option in config_ini.options(section): config[section][option] = config_ini.get(section, option) return config
[docs]def merge_default(config): """ Merge the values of the DEFAULT item into the other items. Merge a dictionary that has an item with a "DEFAULT" key, if that item is itself a dictionary, then merge that item's subitems with all the other items in the dictionary that are also themselves dictionaries. The purpose is to mimic the behaviour of the [DEFAULT] sections of .ini or .conf files when using .json or .yaml files, or when using OrderedDict or dict data structures. Parameters ---------- config : dict or OrderedDict The dictionary that is to have its "DEFAULT" key merged with the other keys. Returns ------- OrderedDict or dict The merged version of the dictionary as an OrderedDict, or the original config (be it a dict or an OrderedDict) if it had no "DEFAULT" key to begin with, or it was not a dict or an OrderedDict. """ if isinstance(config, dict) and "DEFAULT" in config: default = config["DEFAULT"] merged_config = OrderedDict() for item in config: if item != "DEFAULT": if isinstance(config[item], dict): merged_item = default.copy() merged_item.update(config[item]) merged_config[item] = merged_item else: merged_config[item] = config[item] return merged_config else: return config
[docs]def load_config_json(full_path, default=True): try: with open(full_path) as config_json: config = json.load(config_json, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) if default: config = merge_default(config) except IOError: time.sleep(1.0) with open(full_path) as config_json: config = json.load(config_json, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) if default: config = merge_default(config) return config
try: import yaml import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: def my_unicode_repr(self, data): return self.represent_str(data.encode('utf-8')) yaml.representer.Representer.add_representer(unicode, my_unicode_repr) YAML_AVAILABLE = True except ImportError: YAML_AVAILABLE = False if YAML_AVAILABLE:
[docs] class OrderedDictYAMLLoader(yaml.Loader): """ A YAML loader that loads mappings into ordered dictionaries. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): yaml.Loader.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.add_constructor(u',2002:map', type(self).construct_yaml_map) self.add_constructor(u',2002:omap', type(self).construct_yaml_map)
[docs] def construct_yaml_map(self, node): data = OrderedDict() yield data value = self.construct_mapping(node) data.update(value)
[docs] def construct_mapping(self, node, deep=False): if isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode): self.flatten_mapping(node) else: raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError(None, None, 'expected a mapping node, but found %s' %, node.start_mark) mapping = OrderedDict() for key_node, value_node in node.value: key = self.construct_object(key_node, deep=deep) try: hash(key) except TypeError as exc: raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError('while constructing a mapping', node.start_mark, 'found unacceptable key (%s)' % exc, key_node.start_mark) value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep) mapping[key] = value return mapping
[docs]def load_config_yaml(full_path, default=True): if YAML_AVAILABLE: try: with open(full_path) as config_yaml: config = yaml.load(config_yaml, Loader=OrderedDictYAMLLoader) if default: config = merge_default(config) except IOError: time.sleep(1.0) with open(full_path) as config_yaml: config = yaml.load(config_yaml, Loader=OrderedDictYAMLLoader) if default: config = merge_default(config) return config else: return dict()
[docs]def write_yaml(f, data): if YAML_AVAILABLE: final_yaml = '' for heading in data: if final_yaml: final_yaml += "\n{}:\n".format(heading) else: final_yaml = "{}:\n".format(heading) for item in data[heading]: yaml_item = yaml.dump({ item: data[heading][item] }, default_flow_style=False) final_yaml += ' {}'.format(yaml_item) f.write(final_yaml) else: print(''' To use YAML files the pyyaml package must be installed. To install it try using one of the following commands: conda install pyyaml or pip install pyyaml ''')
[docs]def get_file_type_and_mtime(path_with_name): latest_mtime = -1.0 latest_type = '' tokens = path_with_name.split('.') explicit_type = '' if len(tokens) > 0: explicit_type = '.' + tokens[-1] if explicit_type in {'.json', '.conf', '.ini', '.yaml', '.yml'}: path_with_name = '.'.join(tokens[:-1]) else: explicit_type = '' if explicit_type: try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(path_with_name + explicit_type) if mtime > latest_mtime: latest_mtime = mtime latest_type = explicit_type except OSError: pass else: for file_type in {'.json', '.conf', '.ini', '.yaml', '.yml'}: try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(path_with_name + file_type) if mtime > latest_mtime: latest_mtime = mtime latest_type = file_type except OSError: pass return path_with_name, latest_type, latest_mtime
[docs]def get_config(path_with_name, file_type, default=True): if file_type == '.json': return load_config_json(path_with_name + file_type, default=default) elif file_type in ('.conf', '.ini'): return load_config_ini(path_with_name + file_type, default=default) elif YAML_AVAILABLE and file_type in ('.yaml', '.yml'): return load_config_yaml(path_with_name + file_type, default=default) return OrderedDict() # No config file found