Source code for polevault

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

""" Pole Vault package

import os
import sys
import json

from getpass import getpass

    import configparser
except ImportError:
    import ConfigParser as configparser

from collections import OrderedDict

import click

from .encryption import encrypt_credentials, decrypt_credentials
from .config import merge_default, get_file_type_and_mtime, get_config, write_yaml
from .server import gui

import yaml

[docs]class Client(object): """ Client class that mimics the behavior of the Client class of the hvac package, which is used to access credentials stored in Hashicorp's Vault. """ def __init__(self, key=None): """ Client constructor Parameters ---------- key : str, optional The key to be used to decrypt the crendentials, in case they are encrypted. """ self.key = key
[docs] def read(self, *args): path = '/'.join(args) tokens = path.split('/') entry = tokens[-1] path = '/'.join(tokens[:-1]) path, file_type, file_mtime = get_file_type_and_mtime(path) data = get_config(path, file_type, default=False) if self.key: data = decrypt_credentials(data, self.key) data = merge_default(data) result = data[entry] if type(result) is OrderedDict: result = dict(result) return { 'data': result }
CONTEXT_SETTINGS = { "help_option_names": ['-h', '--help'], } def cli(): # ''' # Encrypts and decrypts credentials, stores them # in a .ini, .conf, .json, .yml, or .yaml file, # and migrates them to and from Hashicorp's vault. # ''' pass @cli.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument('path') @click.option('-k', '--key', default='', help="AES GCM 256 encryption key in base64 enconding.") @click.option('-d', '--default', is_flag=True, help="Merge the DEFAULT entry with the other entries.") @click.option('-o', '--output', default='', help="File type for the encrypted file that is saved.") def encrypt(path, key, default, output): """ Encrypts credentials in a .ini, .conf, .json, .yml, or .yaml file type. The PATH argument is the path to the file that contains the credentials. Its file type can be ommited. The KEY argument is the encryption key in base64 encoding. If ommited then one is generated and presented to the user. """ if not key: key = getpass('Encryption key: ') path, file_type, file_mtime = get_file_type_and_mtime(path) config = get_config(path, file_type, default) data = encrypt_credentials(config, key) if output: if output[0] == '.': output = output[1:] file_type = '.' + output.lower() with open(path + file_type, 'w') as save_file: if file_type == '.json': json.dump(data, save_file, indent=2) elif file_type in {'.ini', '.conf'}: if default: default_section = 'DEFAULT' else: default_section = 'DEFAULT' + os.urandom(16).hex() for heading in data: save_file.write("[{}]\n".format(heading)) for item in data[heading]: save_file.write("{} = {}\n".format(item, data[heading][item])) save_file.write("\n") else: write_yaml(save_file, data) @cli.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.argument('path') @click.option('-k', '--key', default='', help="AES GCM 256 encryption key in base64 enconding.") @click.option('-d', '--default', is_flag=True, help="Merge the DEFAULT entry with the other entries.") @click.option('-o', '--output', default='', help="File type for the encrypted file that is saved.") @click.option('-u', '--url', default='', help="Hashicorp's Vault URL.") @click.option('-t', '--token', default='', help="Hashicorp's Vault token. Defaults to the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable.") @click.option('-v', '--vaultpath', default='', help="Hashicorp's Vault path, if different from the argument.") def decrypt(path, key, default, output, url, token, vaultpath): """ Decrypts credentials in a .ini, .conf, .json, .yml, or .yaml file. The PATH argument is the path to the file that contains the credentials. Its file type can be ommited. The KEY argument is the decryption key in base64 encoding. If ommited then the user is prompted to type one. """ if not key: key = getpass('Encryption key: ') path, file_type, file_mtime = get_file_type_and_mtime(path) data = get_config(path, file_type, default=False) data = decrypt_credentials(data, key) # Only merge the DEFAULT section after decrypting. if default: data = merge_default(data) if url: try: import hvac except: print(''' To use Hashicorp's Vault you must install the hvac package. To install it try using the following command: pip install hvac ''') exit(3) if not token: token = os.environ.get('VAULT_TOKEN', '') if not token: token = getpass('Vault token: ') client = hvac.Client(url=url, token=token) if not vaultpath: vaultpath = path if vaultpath[0] == '~': vaultpath = vaultpath[1:] if vaultpath[0] == '.': vaultpath = vaultpath[1:] if vaultpath[0] == '.': vaultpath = vaultpath[1:] if vaultpath[0] == '/': vaultpath = vaultpath[1:] data = merge_default(data) for heading in data: # kargs = { heading: json.dumps(data[heading]) } client.write(vaultpath + '/' + heading, **data[heading]) else: if output: if output[0] == '.': output = output[1:] file_type = '.' + output.lower() with open(path + file_type, 'w') as save_file: if file_type == '.json': json.dump(data, save_file, indent=2) elif file_type in {'.ini', '.conf'}: if default: default_section = 'DEFAULT' else: default_section = 'DEFAULT' + os.urandom(16).hex() config_ini = configparser.ConfigParser( dict_type=OrderedDict, default_section=default_section, interpolation=None) for heading in data: config_ini.add_section(heading) for item in data[heading]: config_ini.set(heading, item, data[heading][item]) config_ini.write(save_file) else: write_yaml(save_file, data)
[docs]def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: cli() else: gui()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()